In the Classic Tradition of Dickens, author Robert Cameron Malcolm, IV weaves a Christmas tale for a new age.
One cold, dark night, not so very long before Christmas, just as a global pandemic is about to sweep over the world, rector Rasmus Feynman, hears a fearsome noise. Believing it to be an intruder up to unholy mischief in Holy Trinity Church, the good cleric resolves to track down and deal with the trespasser forthwith. To his utter shock and dismay, however, the dear man finds that the interloper is somehow something other than human. In spite of his best and bravest efforts, rector Feynman is the one dealt with in quick order, launching him into a strangely different life with a different assignment issued forth by the Divine.
Meanwhile, much is amiss at Holy Trinity Church since Rasmus left his earthly home and when Rasmus is returned, he possesses a new essence and new capabilities for the expressed purpose of setting things aright. The pandemic has caused great damage to the church as well as the reluctance of many of its members to join in and help rectify the situation. And Rasmus—the new Rasmus—is now also charged addressing the haunting of the church by an untoward spirit.
This story depicts a dual haunting as good and evil battle for supremacy over Holy Trinity and its people during the Christmas season. The tale is one of sorrow and hope, terror and triumph, redemption and grace. It tells of the determination of the human spirit to overcome obstacles in the search for peace. And finally, it speaks of faith in the goodness of heaven and God’s desire to sharein an everlasting divine/human relationship.
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