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Just what does $30,000/$60,000 mean, anyway?
If you’ve seen it on your car insurance policy but really have no idea what it means, you are not alone. In fact, most drivers in Texas and elsewhere around the country cannot answer five simple questions about their own car insurance policies. And car insurance is one of the most important ways to protect you and your family against the serious and often devastating results of an accident.
The Ashmore Law Firm does not sell car insurance. But since 1987, The Ashmore Law Firm has been representing victims hurt in car accidents against insurance companies. Dallas based attorney Gary Ashmore urges all drivers in Texas to go over their car insurance policies or have an attorney review them to be sure there are sufficient levels of coverage.
“After meeting with hundreds of potential clients and asking them what they knew about their own car insurance policies, I discovered that the insurance industry has done a very poor job of educating its own consumers…This is not an oversight on the part of the insurance industry. Rather, there appears to be a deliberate attempt to keep consumers ‘in the dark’ about the most important car insurance they can buy.” Gary Ashmore, Attorney

Buying Car Insurance: The Ultimate Guide

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