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In Childless and Loveless: What You Need to Know About Divorce in Texas, Dallas-based attorney Gary Ashmore has assembled a useful tool in guiding you through the divorce process. Mr. Ashmore and his colleagues at The Ashmore Law Firm have been practicing family law since 1987. They understand how difficult it can be to end a marriage. Not only are there legal issues involved, but there are also a lot of emotions and hurt feelings. “A divorce is a very personal thing,” Mr. Ashmore explains. “You need to make sure you hire an attorney you can trust and with whom you feel comfortable. You need to take the same steps in hiring a divorce lawyer as you would in hiring a family doctor.” Statistics show that up to 50 percent of Americans’ first marriages end in divorce and the rate is even higher for second marriages. More surprising is that an even larger percentage of people who are getting divorced are between the ages of 45 and 64. No one purposely enters a marriage with the belief that it will eventually end. But, even with the best intentions, many marriages don’t survive. If this is the place you’ve found yourself, Mr. Ashmore offers you a comprehensive look at what you need to know to prepare yourself for the road ahead


Childless And Loveless: What You Need To Know About Divorce In Texas

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