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So, you wanna be a made man. I guess you think you know what it's like. All that power, fast cars, and beautiful women. You think you got all the answers. You watch TV and you romanticize a life style you know nothing about. I'll tell you what, before I allow you into my circle, taste the blood of my enemy on your lips. Inhale the residue of gun powder rising from the barrel of your gun. Show me you can seduce a man, rocking him into a false sense of comfort only to put a bullet in his head when he closes his eyes. Use remorse to floss your teeth as you kill without ever lifting a finger, leaving no footprints. Get down real close and breath the last breath of a dying man as if it were your own. You do this and maybe, maybe i'll take you around with me a little bit.
I am the author of "Confessions of A Dead Man." This book came through me for reasons I do not know, it's kind of like someone was speaking to me from the grave. I consider this book to be the mafia bible.
"Confessions of A Dead Man" is authored in the spirit of "Taxi Driver," "Serpico," and "Mean Streets." The Book Delivers a profound impact on the psyche, magnetizing the reader clearing its own path to success.
The main character, Michael Dellarosa poses the question, "How many ways must a man die before he is finally laid to rest?" This riveting novel swerves around Dellarosa meeting mob Capo, "Anthony Pagano." New York City, and Rhode Island are the focal points of action. Dellarosa comes of age in the 1970's disco era. When he crosses paths with "Pagano," dreams are born and death unknowingly has become him. Dellarosa's world is turned upside down when "Pagano" the man who groomed him like a father, is about to turn government wittness. He has two choices, fold along with "Pagano" or save "Pagano's" life from his rivals in order to kill "Pagano" himself.
Confessions of A Dead Man appeals to a broad based segment of the reading public. The issues articulated upon are Shakespearean in nature. "Man's inhumanity towards man." It is the theme that runs consistently through the plots and sub-plots, so intricately woven into this fast paced, all consuming story about the shady side of life known as the underworld.
As the main protagonist, Dellarosa seperates and defines himself from the criminal orbis by employing his intellect as an instrument of power and pesuasion, thoughts and ideas are his currency, brains over brawn is his strategy. Dellarosa proves time and time again during the unfloding of Confessions of A Dead Man, that he is a man that knows no equal. He stands alone bloodied, yet unbowed.
Filled from characters crawling straight out of the gutters of the Bronx, to the smoke filled social clubs in Brooklyn; seedy provocative women, psychopathic soldiers, dirty cops, drug addicts, street hustlers and federal agents playing both sides of the fence.
It is a unique mafia story filled with reality based themes. This book has been featured at Barnes & Nobel book signings, selling over 150 copies in less than 2 hours. It has also outsold many of the national bestsellers featured at Barnes & Nobel in the state of Rhode Island.
Authored by Michael Pescione
This book is the closest you will ever come to taking the oath, or taking a bullet.

Confessions of a Dead Man


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