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All of the highly charged cultural speculation about Mary of Magdala has actually overshadowed her true role and importance in the Bible story.

The ultimate moment in divine/human history occurs on Easter morning with the “embrace of eternity” shared between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The narrative takes a thematic approach to salvation history with the adventure beginning in the Garden of Eden and coming to a climax in the Garden of Joseph of Arimathea.

The story recounts what we can know of Mary Magdalene and her critical role in the Biblical drama. It is no accident that Jesus sought out Mary as the first witness to his bodily resurrection. The encounter between the two is the divine declaration that Eden has been reversed and the dynamic of the divine/human relationship has been restored for all eternity.

This book examines what we can know about the historical encounter between Jesus and Mary revealing the true value of the Magdalene, the Godly demise of “death, hell, and sin”, and granting light, hope, peace, and joy for all those who sorrow and are bereaved. We see the whole scope of the Bible’s drama presented in a way that is both remarkable and easy to understand while revealing our own personal link with Jesus and Mary for all eternity.

Mary Magdalene: New Testament Eve


    Word Association Publishers

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